I’ve been sick the past couple of days but didn’t realize it til yesterday. Monday evening I started feeling kinda icky but I thought it was just being tired from the weekend combined with an oncoming migraine because of the weather shift. Tuesday I had a migraine that wouldn’t come under control but it wasn’t terrible.
Yesterday I woke up feeling “ok” – I packed up my breakfast and some medicine and headed to work, intending to take my medicine and then eat my breakfast, because it always works better if I take it and then eat, and I though it could wait til I got here. I got into the office and realized it was slowly getting worse, so I went ahead and took my medicine and quickly ate.
Then I started getting really hot, so I headed into my boss’s office to check the thermostat. I felt super dizzy and nauseated too, and it was nice and dark and cool in my boss’s office so I ended up just laying down on the floor for a few minutes trying to get my head on straight. I must have looked pathetic, i didn’t even get my hoodie all the way off before I laid down.
I spent the rest of the morning trying to hold my head upright while sitting at my computer, constantly fighting the feel I needed to throw up, and unable to focus my eyes on anything on my screen. It was absolutely awful and I should’ve gone home but I wasn’t even sure I could drive with how dizzy I was feeling.
That’s when I realized it was more than just a migraine, because all this time my head kinda hurt but not terrible. I do get dizzy and nauseated during bad migraines but never to the level I was experiencing yesterday.
THANKFULLY it started to fade after a couple of hours, and by lunch I felt well enough to drive home and eat lunch. After lunch again I felt better so I went back to work and managed to make it through the rest of the day – although, once I got home it was naptime, and after dinner (at ikea, chase needed to pick up the shelves for his office), I went to bed a little after 8! I was exhausted.
Today feeling much better but I lost a night’s worth of work on Bespin because of this – and tonight and tomorrow night I have plans, so I guess I’m not going to get to get back to work until this weekend. Boo š
I did get new curtains for my sewing room at Ikea. They are cats. The curtains I have up in there are these super old, heavy purple Pottery Barn curtains I used to have in my room at my parent’s house and they’re probably 20 years old. It’s time for them to go. I’m also getting some new blinds at ikea next time we go. I really want to be able to have some sunlight coming into my sewing room, while still having some privacy, and those ugly contractor-blinds that are currently on all of our windows aren’t doing the job.